Duratus Weekly Operations Outlook 1/8/2024

Happy Monday Duratus Team!

I hope you have had a great start to the New Year!


- 2024 Kickoff Meeting: I was blown away by some of the amazing things said during the meeting and I am so pleased with how the meeting went and excited about the new year. Hopefully, next year, we will all have this meeting in person.
- Wellhope Festival: We hosted the Wellhope Festival at 505 Dyson St this weekend, and it was a huge success. We had so many people come through the house, including several interested buyers, and everyone told me how much they loved the house.
- 3848 Isabel Way West Open House - The Hernandez Jones Team held an open house on Sunday and it was very successful with several interested buyers stopping by.


- Cold Plunge Challenge: Aziz & Maura are on DAY 40 of the Cold Plunge Challenge! At this rate, we may be going all year…Personal Rocks

- Personal Rocks: Review your personal rocks and finalize them with Julie before this week’s team meeting and add them to our new Q1 2024 Rock Board
- Julie is traveling today and will be working remotely starting tomorrow


- 505 Dyson Street - on the market

- 371 Ridgewood Dr - Scott is conducting repairs from the last inspection this week
- 3848 Isabel Way West - on the market
- 4626 Gold Drive - marketing for the RTO program

- 1942 Glenwood - will probably rent out or sell as an RTO this week
- Working on the closing date for the RTO conversion this week
- Lisa is working on lease renewals for our rental properties
- Maura will finish the CDEI course and submit NAR certification paperwork this week for the digital course

- We have a marketing strategy meeting with SlightWrks this Wednesday at 3:00 pm.

- Thalia and I will be working a lot on the podcast this week in preparation for the official launch on January 30th. This includes reviewing and editing all our current episodes, scheduling them for publication on all podcast platforms, making sure we have good show notes for each, etc.
-The Wellhope Festival made me think of a unique way to market our houses--I could offer to local health and wellness practitioners that they can host free workshops in our vacant houses while they are on the market. This could be a cool and unique way to bring traffic into our houses and network with other small business owners in the community. What do you think?

Hope this update is helpful!

Thank you for all of your continued hard work!

I write this overview for my internal team every week, but if you want to receive the Duratus Weekly Outlook, you can sign up here.


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