Happy Monday Duratus Team!
Today is Presidents Day here in the US. Today we celebrate the men who have led our country through the years, so I want to share with you part of my favorite presidential speech of all time–Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena.”

- Happy Birthday Lisa!!
- Cold Plunge Challenge - Aziz & Maura are on DAY 82
- Mentorship Wednesdays starting this Wednesday - I will be teaching a little class about writing that anyone can attend
2 Under Contract; 1 On the Market
- 3848 Isabel Way West - Under Contract (closing by 3/15/2024)
- 371 Ridgewood Dr - Under Contract (closing by 3/15/2024)
- 505 Dyson Street - on the market
- 4626 Gold Drive - Construction underway
- 100% occupancy and leases completed
- Still looking for the following…
- 2/2 or 3/2 in Bessemer ($100K or less)
- 4/2 or larger in Bessemer with a large lot that can accommodate five cars ($130K or less)
- Rental property in either Talladega, St. Clair, or Shelby County (3/1, 1,000+ SF)
- Mastering Real Estate Podcast Published Last Week:
- Published Last Week:
- Episode 5 (Tuesday) - Recession-Proof Real Estate Investing
- Episode 6 (Thursday) - Multiple Exit Strategies
- Coming Up This Week:
-Episode 7 (Tuesday) - Real Estate by the Numbers book review
-Episode 8 (Thursday) - How to Sell Off Market
- Podcast Numbers: 193 downloads
- Blog Post: How to Prepare for a 2026 Recession
- Moved our meeting with Slightworks this Wednesday at 1:30 pm to review our overall marketing strategy.
- Digital Course Certification - interviewing 5 consultants on Wednesday to help us finish this process
- I HIGHLY recommend this podcast episode by Nick Bare. It’s a refreshing and honest perspective by an entrepreneur who is 12 years into running a business. I learned a lot from it and was motivated and inspired. There is power in sharing our mistakes and vulnerabilities.
Hope that helps!
**I write this overview for my internal team every week, but if you want to receive the Duratus Weekly Outlook, you can sign up here.**