Weekly Operations Outlook 10/23/23

Happy Monday Team!

I hope that all of you had a fantastic weekend! Here are some reflections from last week and some notes for this week. 

Last week was a bit of a roller coaster–we started the week out strong with 371 Ridgewood Drive (flip) under contract to sell and 8261 Pecan Ct (RTO Conversion) under contract to sell and by the end of the week both houses fell out of contract. This is a little disappointing, but it a normal part of our business and we just need to adapt and overcome. Both houses are back on the market this week and I am confident that both will sell. 

As always, with both of of these setbacks, we learned important lessons: 

  • 8261 Pecan Ct taught us to refine our RTO conversion criteria and I think this will help us be more successful in the future
  • The poor inspection results at 371 Ridgewood Drive taught us that we need to tighten our own internal inspection processes and continue to teach and mentor our contractors to meet high standards

This week, we have a several big operational things to focus on: 

  • Conducting repairs and getting 371 Ridgewood Drive back under contract
  • Listing 8261 Pecan Ct on the market
  • Completing the turnover at 195 Parkdale (rental)
  • Complete punch list at 505 Dyson St (flip) 
  • Final phase of construction for 3483 Isabel Way W

Learn how to optimize our databases and lead conversion process using our Active Campaign CRM. We need to learn how to use Active Campaign to do the following: 

  • Automate lead follow-up
  • Create better newsletters
  • Increase our RTO and Digital Course databases
  • Use the lead tracking and conversion tools (possibly)
  • We can also create a landing page for the RTO program using Active Campaign (this can be a test website before we create the real deal)

Marketing Efforts: 

  • November content photoshoot
  • Record Podcast trailer, intro, outro, and 1 episode
  • Create new marketing scheduling boards in Monday.com (convert from Notion)

Regarding internal operations, I recently listened to a great podcast interview Sam Corcos and read a great follow-up article about how to implement delegation in your business. While this may seemingly mainly impact the Management Team, I think that it could also really help Thalia and Valerie. One of the main tools that Sam Corcos uses in his business is Loom, so I want to try implementing this tool a lot more in our business. So, we now have a Loom Business account and I would love for us to start using it to maintain a library of internal instructional videos for the team, among other things. 

As always, I am so grateful for all of you and your constant hard work and dedication to our team and business. I never take it forgranted that I get to do something that I love everyday and work with amazing people!

Hopefully this Weekly Outlook provides a broad overview of everything going on and helps frame what all of us are working on within the bigger picture. 

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