How to Sell in a Cold Market

The market isn’t red hot anymore, interest rates are high, and houses aren’t just selling themselves right now. 

So, as real estate professionals, we have to step up our game to make our houses stand out to a smaller pool of buyers. Here are some things that we are doing at Duratus to help sell our houses in this cold market: 

  1. Staging - Honestly, we haven’t had to stage any of our houses for a few years, but now we’re doing it. Staging makes a HUGE difference in the look and feel of a house and goes a long way in taking the guesswork out of how to design a space for most buyers.


  1. Deck the Halls - It’s the holiday season, and we are going the extra mile to decorate our houses, infuse them with the scent of pine and balsam, and make sure our buyers are feeling the holiday cheer when they step across our threshold. Here are some photos of what he are doing at some of our houses currently on the market. 

  1. Fun Open Houses - Putting an Open House sign on the curb may not be enough these days. We are thinking outside of the box with our upcoming Brokers Opens and Open Houses by partner with other brokerages and local businesses to make our open houses festive, fun, and attract more people. For example, we are partnering with local bakeries, coffee companies, and health professionals on our upcoming open houses to make them more fun, memorable, and have a wider draw. 

  1. Creative Digital Marketing - video is king these days, so we are producing more video content than ever before to help promote our houses. We are also trying to think creatively and make funny and trendy non-traditional videos like this to draw more attention to our listings. Here’s a simple example of what I’m talking about. 

  1. Paid Advertising - It’s worth investing in paid Facebook and Google Ads to help your listing stand out these days. Buyers are smart, and they do their research online before they ever step into a house, so you need to make sure that you reach them online. One of the best ways to do this is through targeted Facebook and Google ads. I will do a more in-depth post about this in the future. 

In conclusion, do not be discouraged if your listings aren’t going under contract with multiple offers in 24 hours these days. The market is not dead, we just have to work a little harder to find the right buyers.

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