Weekly Operations Outlook 10/30/2023

Happy Monday Intrepid Duratus Team!

I hope that all of you had a fantastic weekend! Here are some reflections from last week and some notes for this week. You can also watch a video overview for the week here

We made some great progress last week on internal operations with Thalia spearheading our business process review and improvements and Valerie updating all of our project cost spreadsheets. Brandon also inspected our 3 projects under construction and 1 new property lead. 

I had 2 consulting calls this week with newer real estate investors and one of them made me think that we need to add a brief section about goal setting to the beginning of our digital course. I’ve noticed that a lot of new investors do not have a clear goal for their investments, which makes it difficult to try to help them get where they are trying to go. I think that I could walk people through how to set clear goals, which would help them more easily identify a strategy to achieve their goals.  


  • We are pausing ALL property purchases until Q1 of 2024. We have 4 projects to finish and no buying power left right now, so we will not be making any acquisitions until 371 Ridgewood and 505 Dyson are sold. 
  • This means that are main focus through the end of the year will be SALES of the following: 
  • 1942 Glenwood
  • RTO conversions
  • Digital Course 
  • Also, the Birmingham team sweatshirts are in and Brandon dropped them off at HQ

This week, we have a several big operational things to focus on: 

  • Most of the repairs at 371 Ridgewood Drive were completed last week and this house is back on the market and Lauren & Stephany hosted an Open House on Sunday. 
  • Hopefully we will get this back under contract this week
  • Scott is taking over the punch list at 505 Dyson St (flip), and it should be complete in 2 weeks
  • Completing the turnover at 195 Parkdale (rental)
  • Final phase of construction for 3483 Isabel Way W postponed while we finish 505 Dyson St


  • This week we are bringing back the newsletter on Friday
  • For now, we are going to keep both the Kajabi and Active Campaign CRMs and continue to do research to see if we can consolidate them in 2024. We still need to work on improving the following: 
  • Automate lead follow-up
  • Create better newsletters
  • Increase our RTO and Digital Course databases
  • Use the lead tracking and conversion tools (possibly)

Weekly Favorites:

  • I am currently reading a book called $100M Leads in order to increase my knowledge surrounding digital marketing and sales and it is very good. I am learning a lot about how social media and lead pipelines that I can hopefully apply to my digital course marketing efforts. 

Hopefully this Weekly Outlook provides a broad overview of everything going on and helps frame what all of us are working on within the bigger picture. 

I write this overview for my internal team every week, but if you would like to receive the Duratus Weekly Outlook, you can sign up here


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