You Don't Have Anything if you Don't Have THIS

Lately, I have been surrounded by people with very serious health issues. Unfortunately, maybe this was the wake-up call I needed to get my own health back on track.

Having so many of my close friends and family members have life-threatening health conditions has made me realize that if we do not have our health, nothing else really matters. 

If you are not healthy, you cannot work, spend quality time with your family, or do most other things. 

For me, committing to make my health a big priority this year has taken the form of doing a challenge called 75 Hard. Today is Day 12 of 75, and you can follow my progress on TikTok @realestatemamma if you want. 

How does real estate factor into this? 

Well, if you know me, than you might know that I am a pretty busy woman….I run two businesses (Duratus Properties & Duratus Academy), have two children (a 2-year-old and 1-year-old), a dog, a husband, and myself to care for. Often it is REALLY difficult to make time for consistent healthy habits. 

Luckily, building a real estate investment business has given me A LOT more flexibility in my schedule than most jobs, which has been the KEY to making everything work. A lot of times, I will have to fit my workouts in randomly throughout the day, and this would be impossible with most 9-5 jobs. 

A lot of people ask me how I do everything, and having a flexible job is the answer. 

If you’ve ever been interested in trying to jump out of your 9-5 and into something more flexible, shoot me a message because I would love to help you.

Cheers to making health a top priority this year!

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